Oh, I don't know my own power, I get my thing in action"
I caught myself 'Verbing' the other day; you know using a word that's not a verb and using it like a verb. For example, Olympic Skiier Bodie Miller failed to 'medal', but the Snowboarder, Seth what's'is'name from Maine did 'podium'. Anyway, I generally hate when people verb, because it sounds so trendy, but there you go, I 'verbed'.
It think it happened for the same reason I sometimes say 'prostrate' instead of 'prostate', or sometimes talk like Snoop Dogg (beeyotch), and frequently call people 'dude'. I start out trying to be funny, or ironic, or sarcastic, but now I really do say 'prostrate' when referring to my ass area, and I constantly 'dude' people, which I would find exceedingly annoying, if someone 'duded' me. Either way, I guess it could come in handy. At work, for example, if I am having difficulty 'staffing' a shift, I could 'network', or 'conference', or if things got really heated, our team could 'process' about it. Keeping in touch with friends could also be easier. I could just 'text' them or 'instant-message' them. As long as that didn't 'wierd' them out.
So I guess I'll keep on 'verb'-ing...... Right, "uh, Jack, could you please light".... thank you.
Dude, you totally "clarked" . . .
Instant message? WTF? Did you mean IM?????
Duuuuuuude you need to power down.
Okay, what ees theese 'clarked'? I haven't heard that one, not suprisingly.
Made it up on the fly. I ad libbed
(ad verbed?) "Power down" is not mine.
It’s good to see the old rockers keeping in touch with today’s trends. There must be a web site for new slang out there that I should bookmark and visit often.
I admit I’m a bit of a “Frank” when it comes to using new words and accepting new trends.
Yesterday I hired a new “kid” and my parting words to him where something like this:” Don’t ever come in here with the crotch of your jeans down around your knees, don’t wear a hat backwards to work and don’t call me Dude!”
Later,I mean see ya,on the sly,take it easy,back at cha,see ya on the flip flop,Out ...oh I don't know what I mean anymore. darn kids got me all f#$%ed up.
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