Anyone who knows me well enough could tell you that they've never been dazzled by my political acumen. However, I am a keen observer of the absurd and surreal. So this last friday's Boston Globe did not fail to catch my eye. The article told of our President and Japan's Prime Minister getting a tour of Graceland from none other than Pricilla and Lisa-Marie Presley. If you did not know, th P.M. is a HUGE Elvis fan. He donned the shades, mimed E's famous Karate moves and even serenaded Mss. Presleys with a romantic E ballad. All while our illustrious President and First Lady looked on bemusedly, if not a little embarrassed.
So the piece der resistance, as they say: I'm reading this article, and when my fit of apoplectic laughter finally subsides, I read on to find out that outside Graceland during the tour, there were four Elvis impersonators/Protesters picketing the President. Perfect. There I went again, back onto the floor. Elvis really do bring us all together, don't he? I love America.
Elvis is everywhere, Elvis is everything,
Elvis is everybody, Elvis is still the King.
The Prime Minister is also a fan of Mojo Nixon.
aaah....who is not. Remind me to regale you of the time Marc and I went to see Mojo Nixon and Dread Zeppelin in Portland. Barely Sprague had to come pick us up; Marc hurled; we met the band... AAAAAAAwesoooome!
That sounds too cool to be believed!
Oh, BE-lieve it, Jerry, BEEEE-lieve it!
Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.
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