Don't stop me if you've heard this one:
So this pharmaceutical salesman(or car salesman, or politician, or telemarketer, etc.) happens to die one day. Because he is a pharmaceutical salesman( or telemarketer, etc.), obviously after he dies, he goes straight to Hell. When he gets to the gates of Hell, he is greeted by one of Satan's minions, whos job it is to show him the different stations of Hell in which his Soul will be writhing away in agony for all of eternity. First, the servile follower of the Dark Prince takes our recently deceased and damned salesman to a room where people are standing naked in a freezing blizzard of ice, flailing desperately against the incessant cold. 'Bummer', thought the salesman. Next, our unfortunate soul is taken to a room where people are surrounded by a storm of fire and smoke, cringing helplessly against the unstoppable fury of heat that virtually cooks their flesh. 'Not much better', he insightfully introspected. To a third, and final room our boy is taken. In this room, men and women are standing around in business suits, waist deep in Shit and foul Piss, drinking coffee and smoking cigarettes. 'Verily, it is certainly a sorry fate', says our boy, 'but exceedingly more palatable than my first two choices: I'll take this one'.
So he gets himself settled in, wades through the shit and piss over to the coffee machine, just about to pour himelf a cup, when Satan comes in and says, "Okay you swine, back onto your heads, coffee break is Over"!
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