to play some songs, maybe have a drink, maybe catch a little twing...
Well, it's alright now, I learned my lesson hard,
You can crash out on the couch, or you can sleep out in the yard..." 1.

The usual line-up of suspects turned out for the 50th annual Hudson Halloween jam last Saturday night. As you can see, you're never too old to Rock and Roll, though you may LOOK too old to rock and Roll. Laissez la bon temps roulez!
Pictured above:
1. Host Tomcat Hudson and Bonvivant Bigfoot Chester
2. Big Scotty and Stix Spaulding
3. Who the Hell does that Chicken think she is, anyhow?
4. Hostess (?) Laura Hudson and Biggus Tommus
5. J-Bo basking in the shine of Bigfoot's mighty chin
6. Ronnie, who brought the Brownies
and exactly where did you sleep?
This time planned ahead and put a nice mattress and sleeping bag in the van. Veeeery nice.
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