I found the Home of the Sufferin Bastard. I also found many signed documents from Bigfoot. It's been a long night and I have yet to go to sleep- I'll post more on this later...along with location, unless Bigfoot gets to me first.
Notice chalkboard behind bar.
If I can get to you in time, you'll take the sectert location to your grave. Hey,did you clean up the place;it looks pretty good.
While sitting there conversing with the Lord, (CLC) I had a vision. A vision of a centrifuge made from my kids go-cart, metal pole I have out back and a cable-which thanks to my ATV fire I have plenty of.
Fasten the go-cart to the pole cemented into the ground with the cable. Take the governor off the go-cart, fasten the steering wheel to make the arc and have some fool, I mean volunteer hop aboard. Walla instant FUN!!! To steal a phrase from How I Met Your Mother- “It will be legendary”.
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