Anyway, sing this one to the tune of Creedence Clearwater Revival's 'Looking Out My Back Door':
Verse 1
Just got in from the liquor store, shut the front door, yeah boy,
Got to lay down and have a beer on the porch,
College is in session, soon I'll see, I'm guessin'
Dude, dude, dudes walikng by my front door.
College kids on cells phones, free downloaded ring-tones,
They run out of minutes, well their parents buy 'em more.
Fresh faced Co-ed Nubies, Frat boys smokin' dubies,
Dude, dude, dude right outside my front door.
Dude walks by the other day, in a trench-coat dressed in black,
Is that a Mullet or is it a Mohawk Dude, Do-do-do-do-dude?!
If you ask for my opinion, they're wasting their tuition,
Dude, dude, dude looking out my front door.
Hippies. freaks and Liberals all beating on their drums,
Won't you take a ride on my hikin' boot, do-do-do-do-dude?!
Dresse up like Madonna, listenning to Jane Fonda,
Dude, dude, dude, looking out my front door.
Smoke 'em if you got 'em.
Is it sad that I know what "The Jane Fonda" is? Catchy tune but I'm thinkin' a one hit wonder. Am I wrong? Has he already gone for two?
Bravo on the use of Dude! And a refreshing use of a CCR tune.
Wait a minute...is 'Jane Fonda' somthing I'm supposed to be hip to. I was just refering to Ted Turner's wife, you know, 'Hanoi Jane'. Is there some type of hip pop reference I accidentally dropped. Please explain.
Yes....played mostly on alternative radio...A former homeless guy makes "good" with what appears to be a "One Hit Wonder"! He (can't remember the name) did play the Portland are but not sure how well received. Daddy if you're out there.....any help on this one?
I have not checked in for a while as I am super duper busy with my renovations on the Kompound. glad to see you are still keeping it Minty fresh BFC! Stop by soon these walls aren't gonna paint themselves!
Oh, and I have no idea what you two are blathering on about.
Longfellow could not have said it better.
You, my friend. are a horses ass!!!
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