In the news today, former MIT professor Joseph Weizenbaum died. Weizenbaum, if'n you didn't know, designed, in 1966, an artificially intelligent computer program named Eliza, that was modelled after a Carl Rogers like therapist. The computer program fashioned therapeutic responses based on what you said to it. Weizenbaum's program was the vanguard of what was to become A.I.
In honor of his passing, I checked out a site where you can interact with an updated version of Eliza. I found it to be exceedingly fucking aggravating. Though, it made me think. I've been in this counseling Biz for about 18 years now, and never realized how annoying a therapist could be. After about five minutes of paraphrasing and repeating what I said, I wanted to stomp Eliza. I guess maybe that's what it's like to be exposed to a counselor. And Eliza is free on line, not $65 per hour. Check it out; you might like it.
It's just a calculator...me ol' friend....one plus one....ALWAYS equals....one boyfriend, too many....Jeeezuss Christ on a popsicle stick...fer chrissake...by the way...I saw Beausoleil AND the subdudes last week...so...just go ahead and shit yer pant... yes ...yer pant....mee-ohhh-my-ohhh down on da' Bay-Yoooo....Love you...yours drooly...Cap'n Flye and The Prof...Longhair...that is....
Jesus, you're friggin' uncanny. Tom Hudson and I were just bad-mouthing you last night on the phone. He says you won't show for Brother Dan hudson's #50 Birthday party.. I sez' you would. It's on May 17, Saturday. Jesus, 50!! We're Fucking old!!
xoxox jackme
Make it Sunday, and I WILL be there...otherwise...do your own Aeolian Cadences...you cheep fucks! Ha Ha Ha....submitted, most respectfully yours..UP Yours! Hah! feg..oh yeah..Mr. Hugh
OK...I'll play for gas.....long way to the top if you wanna eat a roll...jeeezusss, the Lord DO love a cheerful giver.....will food be provided?...or should I bring a little something or other?....Lovingly submitted, by the way! Sound Mizzzzer
P.S. Are the KasprZ's still around...or has the Pope smoked them, too? Sign me....Just Fundering! ;-) in the name of Frank, et al...etc....Amen!
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