So Goldilocks is walking through the forest and she approaches the home of the Three Bears. They, of course, are out for a walk, and Goldilocks, being curious and hungry, goes into the house and tries the Porridge. One is too hot, one too cold, etc. Tired, she rest on their respective three chairs, one too soft, too hard, etc. In need of a nap, she goes upstairs to the Bears' bedroom, and 'what'th..", it's the Three Little Pigs lying down in the vacated beds of the wandering bears. Aghast, Goldilocks exclaims, "What in the world are YOU three doing here"? And one of the Pigs replies...
Waiiiit for it....
"Oh, didn't you know? This is a TWO Story House"!
Evilwierdo.....That's almost as good as the word linguini...he'll know of what I speak....That's why you're number one nephew! Aunt 2-D
It's funny cuz it's true!
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