Starting out in the fertle crescent of Newport/ Palmyra Maine in the late '70's, a skinny Catholic boy named Daddy and a red-necked pothead from Hartland named Shibles formed the band 'Vintage' and began forging the musical style and beat that would soon shock a nation. They were subsequently joined by a large breasted female drummer, Tal, and changed their name to 'Jet, and began writing there own controversial original songs, recording their much heralded first album 'Don't Stop'. Jet soon solicited the services of a mega-cephalic, but dim-witted farmboy-bass player from Liverpool by the name of Yo Hennessy. Yo soon forced Daddy to fire Shibles and hire his ner'do-well gas station attentant friend Spot to take over the lead guitar role. Despite the fact that Spot couldn't play a lick, Jet recorded their second album, their hugely popular, 'Live at Carla Starbird's Wedding'. At the recording sessions, Tal fell in love with Bob, the best man, became pregnant, got married, and soon left the band. Jet, at this point, was so popular that gigs were lining up at the office of their manager, Elrod. They had no drummer, but Elrod couldn't say no, and since they were not actually paying gigs, it was easy to not show up for them. They nearly played at the Sesquacentennial celebration of Newport Maine, barely missed playing at the Annual Etna-Dixmont School Talent Show, and were actually advertised to play at the Bangor State Fair. After some unfavorable publicity, Yo suggested renaming the band 'Pavlov's Dogs' after a line in a Rolling Stones song. The dim-wit hadn't heard of Ivan Pavlov, or his dog, but he thought the name had a 'ring' to it. The band still had no drummer, so they decided to follow their previous marketing strategy of lining up gigs and not showing up at the last minute. Soon, word began to spread, and Pavlov's Dogs were the hottest band in the land. And don't think this was lost on Linwood Nugent, owner of the famed Navigator Hotel in Rockland. Their 'Rockland' sessions are now legend, and their 'Rockin' in Rockland' EP was the quintesential 'accoustic live' album, long before MTV 'unplugged' in the 1980's.
A long string of smash albums and a long string of drummers followed, including the troubled but talented Gerry Bejork, formerly of 'Emerson, Lake and Bejork'. Eventually, what caught up with Pavlov's Dogs is what eventually kills all Rock and Roll: Adulthood. It became increasingly harder to keep a drummer. Daddy decided to join the Jesuits. Spot joined the US Army. Yo, sick to death of being knick-named after a Sylvetser Stallone character, jumped in a lake and broke his neck; sounds like Brian Adams song, dud'n'it? The Dogs ended their illustrious career with ignomy by recording their 'Bark Mulch Hate-Fuck-Live at Grouchy Marx' in 1994. Lightly attended, this session was the obvious death knell of a once throbbing rockandroll organ of love.
Not much has been heard from the members of P-Dogs lateley, except around this time of year, when rumours of a reunion tour perennially crop up. As for this reporter, I hope and pray it happens, just for old time's sake, just so the bastards can not show up again. As Pete Townsend said, 'I hope I get old before I die'.
Peace, BFC
I think they almost played at the Pittsfield Egg Festival.
Remember the big Mercery land yacht tour bus.
and the BEER!!
as Archie Bunker would sing,"Those where the days...."
Hey, didn't you play drums for us for a few giggs? Oh wait, that's right, we didn't show up for those gigs either.
How Edgar Aprapos that Spot didn't show up for this post. Nice remembering BFC. "Vintage"!!! What did that last, like a week??
I think it was 1980 too . . . though not really sure.
I hear they (P-Dogs) are getting back together to not show up opening for the Police.
Well...I was kinda talking to Stewart Copeland the other day at Cannes, and I kinda told him it was a sure thing. Now he keeps leaving me annoying telephone and e-mail messages, over and over again,the pompous bastard. I've been laying low until I get in touch with Spot. The gig is next weekend. I know it's short notice, but are you in? If not, I'll just keep avoiding Stu until the heat is off.
Your pal, Yo
Actually...it was 1981...I know...I wasn't there, either - Spot (yes...AKA..The Sound Mizer)
Jesus! Spot, me and ol' 'Kaz' were just bad-mouthing you today, and here you show up on the b'log. Ain't it grand how the intronet brings people together. Are you in for the Police gig? Stu's been giving my answering machine the business.
Yeh right . . . the real spot,
AZZIFF! Then what happened, you woke up bud?
1981? Nice try 2D. The real spot has access to "The Beast" and knows fo sho that the date is eight oh! straight up.
Actually, come to think of it... didn't the real spot die from a pop-rocks overdose?
Urban ledgend my friend.....and no the past anonymous blogs were not from 2-D. I'm afraid the 80's were a blur to me...I wouldn't remember anything past twisting the night away with dear Ol' Daddy (we should have won that trip to Colorado! Damn it!!)
The real 2-D
PS Hello Spot.....Call your mother for the love of God! She worries about you so!!
Yeh the square state would have been a sweet getaway for us dancing fools. Who won that contest anywayz??? Didn't we win, then I gave the prize away to the Puertorican couple? Cuz man, let's face it 2-D, they had us beat, we were just the more popular.
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