Thursday, March 29, 2007
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Last Ice Fishing of the Year 3/24/07
1. Make a distinction between 'breakfast beer' and 'regular beer'.
2. Buy Swisher Sweet cigars, when perfectly good cigars are right there next to them on the shelf.
3. Completely neglect your toothbrush and floss for 2 whole days.
4. Go to bed with the same pair of wool socks you wore in your boots (okay, I do that one at home sometimes).
5. 4 Food Groups: Bacon, Onions, Lil' Debbie's, and Beer.
5a. Did I mention Beer already?
Man, was that ice mealy. Never have I driven a snowmobile and left a water wake. Good time, good Togue, good Trout, good God, let's eat. Next trip, I am wearing my waders and standing in the water waving a stick.
Friday, March 23, 2007
So Much Great Music - So Young, The Year
This year has already lay witness to a pleathora, nay a cornucopia, nay a veritable shmorgasboard, nay a shitload.....well.... you know what I'm driving at. We have already seen the following contenders for "album of the year" with a mere 9 months left of 07.
The Shins - "Wincing The Night Away" : The third release from James Mercer and co. putting an exclamation point on that musical hatrick.
The Arcade Fire - "Neon Bible": Hype? Only time will really tell.....but while you're waiting for this wine to age to see if it turns ..... right now it's going down pretty sweetly.
If you like Big Star (and who doesn't?) and Cheap-Tricky power-pop goodness . . . the two latest releases from The Broken West - "I Can't Go On, I'll Go On" and Grand Champeen's "Dial T for This" are two EXCELLENT examples of everything that is right with indy rock.
Ladies? Perennial Faves Patty Griffin and Lucinda Williams have very strong releases this year as does "The Innocence Mission with "We Walked In Song" a number one contender if there ever was one. If you are not familiar with the Innocence Mission . . . you need to remedy that pronto tonto!
It's too early to tell if Modest Mouse have topped themselves with their latest release, but if you've heard the single "Dashboard" and it isn't stuck in your head . . . well... then you haven't heard it.
From the great Uncle Tupelo, The Son Volts and The Wilcos will duke it out for musical superiority this year releasing "The Search" and "Sky Blue Sky" respectively. What I've heard of "Search" is pretty good, but I have to give it to the soul-stirring Wilcos with their best release since "Being There".
I've also heard snippets from forthcoming discs by Fountains Of Wayne and golden voiced Grant Lee Phillips, both showing lots of promise.
If none of these do it for you . . . there's always that "Chinese Democracy"
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
I am Sparticus!

Monday, March 19, 2007
Joke of the Week Volume #42

So, this guy was sitting around the house, reading the paper, when he hears the doorbell ring. He gets up and answers the door. At first, he doesn't see anyone out there, but soon he hears the small sound of someone clearing their throat. He looks down at his feet and there stands a small snail. The guy curses and kicks the snail hurdling off his step. "Stupid snail", he says.
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Happy St.Patrick's Day Yerself!
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Erin Go Braggin'
1. Was that a run-on sentence? and
2. How Irish am I?
With a name like ****** you would have to figure "not much," but au contraire mon frere, which I believe is French for "You may or may not be full of shite O'mally, let's have all our facts first!"
My "Ma" was the daughter of A***** (where I got my middle name) Kenney (now deceased) who hailed from A*****e Ireland, so no questions there. Her Ma, however, one A*******es (also deceased) of Newfoundland used to claim Ireland as her ancestral home due mostly to the fact that she was born on St. Pat's Day and enjoyed the occasional bowl of Lucky Charms. This desire, no matter how genuine, seemed about as wonky as a protestant's claim to eternal salvation. As we Irish are wont to say "Yer either in or yer out!" The question here remains, "What percentage of ME is wont to say the aforementioned?" I'm getting to it! "The devil is in the details" is another thing we like to's not really applicable here, but we still like to say it.
At a recent family get-together my Ma informed me that she had been in touch with a cousin of hers from California (not deceased). He had been studying the ***es family tree and discovered that the very first ***es in Newfoundland was "banished" from IRELAND for ... get this . . . . KILLING an English Lord. My heart leapt for joy as I exclaimed "Calhoo Calhay!" for we that are of the Irish decent are all aware that the only thing we prefer to the "Guinness and Whiskey" coursin' through are veins is the pure Irish blood.
So the answer dear readers . . . a little more than I was.
Happy St. Pat's Sufferin' Bastards!
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Joke of the Week: One for the Ladies, 3/14/07
You can use any ethnic group you mean to disparage, but, since it's near St. Patrick's Day, let's say for argument's sake....
There were these two Irishmen, one day,just blown into town from the Northwest Counties, fresh off the farm. They hadn't a clue, and between them they only had about 10 dollars in their pockets. They were sitting on the curb, outside the local pub, wondering what a couple of County boys could do with only a Saw-Buck betwixt 'em. So, after a spell, ol' Seamus sez to his partner, 'Connell, m'lad, I've gotten m'self an idea. Give me the Tenner, and I'll be right back'. He takes the last of their money and disappears into a Pharmacy. In a few minutes he comes back out with a big bag in his hand. Eager for news, Connell comes up to Seamus and excitedly asks, 'Seamus, old sod, what've you got for us'? Seamus pulls from the bag an extra-large sized box of Tampons. Aghast, Connell loudly laments, 'what in the bloody Fuck are we gonna do with a fookin' box of Tampons'? 'Look here on the back of the box', Seamus shrewdly replies, 'you can play tennis, go horseback riding, go swimming, bike-riding....'
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Monday, March 12, 2007
Friday, March 09, 2007
A little long.... but stick with it for comedy gold
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Celebrity Haiku Vol. #70: Live from New York
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Salad Days, Volume #48: Toledo Friends of the Opera

Sunday, March 04, 2007
Are ya' one, are ya' two, are ya' three.....
Friday, March 02, 2007
Rock and Roll All Night and Party Every Day...