Well, all you loyal readers of SBL#178 know that I've been following closely the trials and tribulations of Brittany and K-Fed over the last year or so. I had really thought that Brit was over Kevin and was getting her shit together. Then the news broke last month of her latest rash of 'peculiar' behavior in the public eye. As you now know from the tabloids, the over-rated entertainer, erstwhile Mousekateer and pole-dancer, evidentally in a meth induced jaunt with her harlot homey Lindsay Lohan or something, had caught an express train to Crayzee-Towne and, amoung other things, shaved her head and checked herself into rehab in Malibu. Big suprise, right?
Well, today, a mere month later, on the radio news, I was giddy to find out, she was checked out of this chi-chi drug rehab 'resort' totally cured. Must be a miracle. I'm sure whatever problems she had going on were mostly acute. Obviously, the girl doesn't have any issues or anything, right?
Got me to thinking, though. As you readers may know, I happen to work in the Human Services industry, or the 'helping' professions. It's my job to counsil folks in their times of trouble, just like Brit has been wallowing in recently. When families in the State of Maine are in need of social services, it's up to good decent liberal types like me to provide services at a bloated and inefficient cost, paid for by the taxpayers. As you probably also know, as astute observers of current events, the State and Federal Gub'mint is trying their level best to save money on these mportant services by eliminating them or relegating them to faith -based programs, i.e. free or cheap. Given Brittany's recent breakthrough in treatment, however, I have an idea for Jim Beougher, now in charge of reforming Maine DH/HS. Instead of paying knuckleheads like me to prolongue and perpetuate reliance on the system, why not cut our positions and send all the poor bastards to that place out in California Brit went to for a speedy and complete treatment. Sure it'll cost a bucket of money at first, but shit, ONE MONTH: I can't compete with that. Hey, 50 million celebrities can't be wrong.
I'm sure Brit would agree.
Somewhere in Cootersville La., K-Fed sips the sweet wine of vindication.
No dizzy ma main K-fed is all sippity-sippin on the sweet wine of vindication, as it is harvested, bottled, and gently aged right there in sunny CA!!!!
Guess I don't really get the Spartacus reference 'less'n' you're going for "Britney Sukka" as a lame annogram for Stanley Kubrick.
No dizzy ma main K-fed is all sippity-sippin on the sweet wine of vindication, as it is harvested, bottled, and gently aged right there in sunny CA!!!!
Guess I don't really get the Spartacus reference 'less'n' you're going for "Britney Sukka" as a lame annogram for Stanley Kubrick.
The comment so nice, he posted it twice.
There was no connection with the Tony Curtis vehicle. I just thought of it when I came across the image of the 3 sci-fi guys...3 Leaf Merlot to the rescue.
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