So, this guy was sitting around the house, reading the paper, when he hears the doorbell ring. He gets up and answers the door. At first, he doesn't see anyone out there, but soon he hears the small sound of someone clearing their throat. He looks down at his feet and there stands a small snail. The guy curses and kicks the snail hurdling off his step. "Stupid snail", he says.
A few weeks later, the same guy is sitting around the house, watching TV, when the doorbell rings. He gets up to answer the door. At first doesn't see anyone at the door. He hears the small sound of someone clearing their throat, and he looks down. At his feet stands the same snail from a few weeks previous, who says, ......(wait for it) "Dude, what was that all about".
Get it? Cuz' snails are so darn sl...
Oh, never mind.
Okay, since it's just after St. Pat's, you get a bonus joke told to me by ol' Muddah the other day:
Q). What's the difference between an Irish Wedding and an Irish Wake?
A). One less drunk!
We want the kid back- you know the one that writes all your funny stuff.
Look, it's not that easy not being that funny when you think that you're really funny. You try it sometime.
I'm hoping it's just because it's early that I can't make heads nor tails of that last comment. Not that as I age a dense fog has floated into my head.
I forgot what I meant at the time. Damn that cheap wine.
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