Submitted by my good buddy 'Yankee Lover Mark'.
There happened to be an accident the other night on Rt. 2, just outside of Bangor. One car was heading east and the other heading west. The east-bound car swerved and there was a terrific crash, totalling both vehicles. Miraculously, neither driver was hurt. Two men stumbleed from the wreckage and faced each other by the side of the road. Coincidentally, one driver was a New York Yankee fanatic, decked out in Yankee gear, shoes and all. The other driver was a hard-core Red Sox follower, wearing a 'Big Pappy' tee-shirt and a throw-back Sox hat. In the heat of frustration from the accident, and the realization that each was a fan of their arch-nemeses, the two men started in to fighting. However, the cool headed Sox fan finally said, 'look this isn't getting us anywhere. I have an idea'. The Yankee fan agrees, and steps aside. The Sox fan reaches into the back seat of his car and pulls out a big bottle of Jamesons Irish Whiskey, the preferred beverage of Red Sox fans. He hands the bottle to the Yankee lover, who says to himself, 'finally, this is what I call conflict resolution'. He takes a big long swig out of the bottle, smacks his lips, and hands the bottle back. The Red Sox fan calmly and slowly recaps the bottle and throws it into the woods. Incredulous, the Yankee boy says, 'hey, aren't you gonna' have a swig'? 'Nah', the Bostonian says, ' I just think we'll sit here and wait for the Cops to show up, you Alcy'.
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