Okay, I waited as long as I could wait. I tried to give Him the benefit of the doubt, being a good bleeding heart Boston Liberal. I gave Him 15 days. I waited for the afterglow of the Love Fest of an Inauguration to pass and His approval rating to simmer down to double digits. I waited for Jay-Z, Beyonce, Bono, Aretha, and Oprah to go back home. I even waited for all the sycopahantic Republicans, desperate to stay within the glow of His Rock Star poularity, to sink back into the woodwork of Bipartisan Politics and get ready to rain on His parade. I waited to see who He would appoint to his cabinet. Unfortunately, he would end picking His appointees from IRS's most audited list. I waited to see what His recipe for the Recession would be. It turned out His recipe was a $500 Billion 'Pork' dish, served to the taxpayer on a TV tray, flambe. I waited America. I waited.
I waited 15 days, and now I say to you America: prepare to be Dazzled. Liberals, you're not gonna be satisfied. He's too moderate. Moderates: way too liberal. Republicans: Fugetaboutit!
As for me, Bigfoot Chester, Chief Editor of the SBL#178, seven words America, seven words:
"Don't blame me, I voted for Nader"!
Non Illegitimi Corrundum
Toot toot...yeah...beep, beep...
Toot toot...yeah...beep, beep...
Toot toot...yeah...beep, beep...
(Figure THAT one out)...I DARE ya'!
L'il Hubie....once, again....
A nod to Donna Summer's 'Bad Girls'?
Hey, you need to come up with better than that...
Damn...you vex me so....nrrrrrrrr....
just checking....
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