I have changee the name of the Blog because, un-fucking believable as it might seem, some other joker had what I thought was a singularly stupid idea, and called his b'log the Unemployed Philosopher's Guild. It's a pretty good sight, actually, here check it out (bastards):
Either way, Sufferin' Bastard pretty much sums it up. Same great Crap, Different name!
It was only a matter of time before your "unconcious plagerism" got the better of you. Remember that time you wrote that song "I Can't Get No Peace of Mind?"
I recently came across "unemployed philosophers local some-or-other while doing a search on the world wide web and I thought to myself, "fuckin' BFC!"
just goes to show there isn't an original thought out there; the internet has proven that to me conclusively. if i looked up sufferimn' bastards, i'd probably find out i stole that one too. damn you internet- damn you all to HELLLLL!
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